Thiess Rehabilitation Bringing Innovation to Mine Rehabilitation

9 Mar

1 min read

"'s really innovative and the best available technology that is available for weed spraying." - Peter York, Thiess Rehabilitation.

Thiess Rehabilitation is focused on the next step in the mining process: land returned to a sustainable state. As their website states, it "may not be the core business of a mine operation, but it is the final legacy".

Thiess Rehabilitation focuses on building sustainable landscapes using the latest innovations and technology available. Two such innovations: a SafeSpray Vehicle System from Rapid Vehicle Systems, and the Universal Flow Tracker from Rapid Logix.

Rapid Vehicle System offers systems that are tried and tested by professionals that meet your needs, without compromising on safety. Safe in transit, safe to unload/load, and safe to apply or transfer liquids. Rapid Vehicle Systems is customised, not custom built - for your UTE, truck, or look at trailer options. We back your Build!

Rapid Logix aims to help operators map weeds and track chemical spraying easily while removing the need for manual reporting.

At the Health, Safety, Environment and Community Conference held in Hunter Valley, NSW in 2023, Peter York who is recognised as in industry leader and is passionate about environment performance gave a speech how Thiess Rehabilitation are using these innovations across a mine sites based in the Hunter Valley.

Having struggled to find labor to help with their mine rehabilitation programs, Thiess Rehabilitation reached out to Rapid Vehicle Systems to help build a solution for a new, internal team of weed spray operators. This has helped "improve their deliverability of the weed spraying" to their customers.

The SafeSpray unit supplied with the SafeLoad system has meant that their operators remain safely (and efficiently!) on the ground.

As Peter York puts "'s got a SafeSpray System on it so you don't have to get up on the rig."

It sounds simple. But it's one of the most important aspects of the SafeSpray ute bulds. By incorporating our patented SafeLoad System which is a chemical storage and mixing system into one of the locker boxes, Thiess Rehabilitation operators can:

  1. Mix chemicals without any handling any toxic substances
  2. Reduce chemical wastage with accurate measuring
  3. Remain on the ground when transferring chemical to main spray tank
  4. Safely store chemicals
  5. Eliminate lifting heavy chemical tanks
  6. Mitigate slips and falls

Mounted on their SafeSpray Vehicle System is the Universal Flow Tracker which working alongside another innovative company in the weed mapping space, Dendra who annually weed map their rehabilitation sites, helps build out the Thiess Rehabilitation weed mapping vehicle system.Once that annual weed mapping is completed, Thiess Rehabilitation weed sprayer operators then go on ground and start treating those areas with the Universal Flow Tracker on their spray guns.With the GPS tracking system, they can then measure how much herbicide each operator is using, and using the 1, 2 or 3 weed options, their operators are also able to pin point where each weed is exactly.

Once they have completed a spraying session, they can upload the data captured into their GIS system, overlay it with the annual weed mapping data already collected, and they have a complete picture of their weed mapping rehab areas.

As Peter Says, this "bring[s] a bit of traceability and compliance to weed mapping."

Proudly australian made.

Manufactured and built in the Hunter Valley from Australian and Imported componentry.